Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Posted by
7:32 PM
Well... this is a pretty long story but I will try to shorten it. One, I think I hate myself! Two, today is the suckest day in my life! I am getting treated for depression with anti-depressants but I cut myself and I hate everything about me and also about today!
Everything was planed perfectly but... I don't know what to say... my part of macroteaching become intensely shit.... a suck pool of suck! I won't blame to myself because I knew all along... I planned it! I knew what to talk.. what to do.... I can't be ready if I don't ready. Don't give me a shit, just like what happened today. I was shaking, sweating and even blur all the words that should come out from my mouth! Oh Gosh! I just did a very embarrassed thing in front of people!!
This really pissed me off. What do you take me for? Some kind of… thing you can pick up and ask questions/favors as and when you want? Eff off lol. Please pick other day if you want to sick! It is like you are running away! Don't use the word "demam" because it is killing me each time I think about it~ I swear, I hate it! -end of story- I don't want to say more, better I go to sleep right now!

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bese la tuh,,,,
tp k0 ngajar tdik okay jer,,,,
cme mse jer terlebih suda!
sape buli egy saye nie...
bulan2 posa nie,
x baik aniaya orang..
read my blog then u know who suck then u...
huhuhu~ sakit ati, mas!
no need to go to suck management! i think i still can accept my life right now~ hahaha~ yeah, probably ur life is sucker than mine! hahaha~
yeah~ suck like hell..
but still have hope right?
learn form it and make our life better...
wht so difficult?
just dont do something tht would make ur life sucks...
i mean dont do the SAME mistakes again...
then it makes u learn from it...
exmp: if u know u nervous at public speaking, just bring text...
lets YM!
btw, add the shoutbox ah. easier utk meng-flood-kan blog org.
seyes lar gr0up k0 okay jer,,,
ikut fl0w jer,,,,
shoutbox? hehehe~ nanti buat ek!
syida, nanti group ko present, aku sure tolong punya jawab2 ni~ tak meriah ar math ni~ tak macam IT lol!
no YM?
how tht can be???
better use oni one password in every internet matter..
so u wont forget..
nvm la