Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Why do I feel fed up? I know I curi that durian but what's the point if I can't open it! My hands were hurt! *huhu* Do I need a power gergaji or maybe parang to open it? *think* Friends, if you have one, please tell me! I can give you half of my durian! *laugh*
Went out to GARDEN DELI restaurant for dinner with Mashitah. Hungry and still felt disappointed as I thought about durian. *cry*

I never miss to drink guava juice. It is super juicy tasty drink lol~ So, I want to recommend everyone to try it if you visit this restaurant. *peace*

Above is the picture of chicken rice with roasted duck drumstick~ Actually, I forgot to take picture and already touched my rice. That's why it looked a little messy there~ *hehe*

Mashitah preferred to eat chicken rice with roasted chicken drumstick. She said she likes chicken more lol.

Finished our rice but we still hungry... *laugh*laugh* So, we went to order dry wantan mee with wantan soup.

After ate, we went to store to find perfume lol~ You know girls.... they need perfumes to live! For me, perfumes can enhance the quality of life in a person and to those around whoever is smelling it. *laugh* I love Silkygirl. Last time I bought Sweetheart, but this time I chose to wear Loving You. It has nice fragrance.
I had a good deep night sleep last night. Sleep early lol~ after watched REBORN! ep 65 lol~ There will be more REBORN! maraton to watch tonight! *smile*happy* Gonna finish it so that I can keep up to watch the latest episode lol~ *hehe* Another reason why I am so happy today is because I have my gorgeous looking durian waiting for me! *peace* There are 2 huge durian trees in front of UPSI, close to my rent house lol~ If you look at them closely, there are many durian that will fall in no time lol! *haha*evil laugh*

Above is the picture of my durian that I curi just now! haha~ Actually, there are girls shouted at me "Pencuri... pencuri..." (soft voice) but believe me, I think these trees are belong to UPSI lol~ so, UPSI students have their right to take the fruits! haha~ *evil laugh*

Went to Secret Recipe, bought 3 pieces of chocolate indulgence and 1 piece of yogurt cheese. 2 piece of chocolate indulgence for Syida and Qila as birthday cake present lol and another piece is for Mashitah~ She likes chocolate lol! I chose yogurt cheese because it looks delicious and has cute pinky rasberry filling!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Like yesterday, no body at home. So damn bored~ I was so hungry too~ huhuhu~ too lazy to go out. *laugh* Text to Syida if she already reached at her rent house so that I can ask her to go out for dinner with me lol but she didn't reply it~ *sad*cry* huhuhu~ hungry! I can't wait for Mashitah who will reach here at night~ huhuhu~ About 8 pm, I got sms from Mawardi. hehehe*nice nice* LET'S EAT!
Went to CUPAK restaurant, full! damn! Secret Recipe too! RAKYAT restaurant 1,2,3, I LOVE U CORNER and PLUS 1 also same lol! arrrrghhh~ what's with the number of people today? I don't know... no, I never believe there are many people around here lol! no no no, I won't give up lol! Let's drive to other restaurants! PURE and DAPUR SIAM, closed! Noooooo~ nooo nooo nooo~ *cry again*
But... I was glad that the restaurant in front of bus stop TANJUNG MALIM still has chairs for us lol~ *cry in tears*happy*
Saturday, September 26, 2009
It is been a long time since last update! yeah! I want to write everything!!! I will try to make it short lol~ hahaha~ It will be long long long write today! *peace*

Berbuka puasa with my classmates at CUPAK restaurant. Yeah, we have fun being together~ Borrowed my housemate's bike to go there, of course with Mashitah. I am not such a cruel friend to leave her~ *hehe*
To download the pictures : http://www.mediafire.com/?mzfnxgzqkwt

Actually, I ordered watermelon juice... but last minute... I think 2 minutes before berbuka puasa lol, I got news "NO WATERMELON"~ then I had gone wild mad like "What what? Die!"~ this restaurant ruined my pure mood... huhuhu~ then I just ordered a normal lychee juice lol~ huhuhu~ Actually, it is more sad to think about Mashitah, she didn't get her TELUR BISTIK... no one in that restaurant cares about it and she seemed sad lol~

Last time with everyone... all my friends will back home lol for RAYA celebration.... leave me alone at Tanjung Malim lol~
This time I was with Syida, Ann and.... Ann's member?. *hahaha* Actually, we wanted to go to PURE restaurant but full... then, we were here... mmmmm~ don't know what the name of this restaurant lol~ *hahaha* small one, but it is nice restaurant lol~
Ann's member, GANI... maybe JANI... don't know which one his name lol~ *hahaha* this guy really... crazy-insane-mad-joker in the world lol~ I never meet such funny guy lol before~ I can feel my stomach hurt like hell because of him lol~
It is not serious accident but yet it was first time for me! Will you be nervous or anxious your first time with this? Of course, right? It was happened in Machang... close enough before we reached home lol! No one was hurt, of course I am fine lol!
A taxi hit from behind and he admitted that it was his fault. My sister didn't agree to settle the matter outside the office, so both party agreed to go to police station because she decided to deal with the insurance company.

Actually, it was big bump from behind. That taxi looked pretty bad at its font lol, but, there was only a few scratches on our car's bumper lol~ So, if you want to buy a car, you can choose PERSONA lol~ it is really tough lol!

On 3th day of RAYA, there was a party celebration at Anjung Bahtera restaurant for university students~ MAHASISWA/WI BESUT only lol~ *hehehe* I think about 700 students were there lol~

Izad, my childhood friend was the one who invited me. *hehe* He has weird nickname, KABO (kumbang) lol~ Actually, it was first time in my life wearing purple! *smile* No joke! Really first time lol~ It gave me weird feeling lol~ until today, I still think purple is not suit for me~ *laugh*

KABO's lil sister (forget the name, sorry*), me, Aina (my lil sis)
Friday, September 11, 2009
Just register new account for facebook lol; angelshuin@gmail.com
so, anyone who has facebook account can add me up lol~ hehehe~
Meet you in facebook too lol~
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Well... this is a pretty long story but I will try to shorten it. One, I think I hate myself! Two, today is the suckest day in my life! I am getting treated for depression with anti-depressants but I cut myself and I hate everything about me and also about today!
Everything was planed perfectly but... I don't know what to say... my part of macroteaching become intensely shit.... a suck pool of suck! I won't blame to myself because I knew all along... I planned it! I knew what to talk.. what to do.... I can't be ready if I don't ready. Don't give me a shit, just like what happened today. I was shaking, sweating and even blur all the words that should come out from my mouth! Oh Gosh! I just did a very embarrassed thing in front of people!!
This really pissed me off. What do you take me for? Some kind of… thing you can pick up and ask questions/favors as and when you want? Eff off lol. Please pick other day if you want to sick! It is like you are running away! Don't use the word "demam" because it is killing me each time I think about it~ I swear, I hate it! -end of story- I don't want to say more, better I go to sleep right now!

Can you see girls or only boys in the pictures?
I was browsing youtube site and I suddenly found videos of this Japanese TV show called Gakko e ikou! MAX. In the show, they have a section called Josou Paradise where they turn guys into pretty girls, the “guys into girls” was what caught my attention lol! hohoho~
This is just a game show lol! hahaha~ They are not flags lol~ Big money is after them lol!
It is quiet shocking how they turn them into a girl like and when they do a close up of their faces, you can see their skins are so nice, like flawless. It is like the make-up can turn any guys into girls. They all look really cute and pretty at first glance and when you start to look more closely, you start to see only girls there lol!
I love the part of game show where they were playing tricks to many celebrities and models lol. It is funny to see the reaction of the celebrities and models when they were told these pretty girls are actually guys. It is like they all go “EH??” lol and start looking closely at them. hahaha~
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I really dunno what to cook everyday lol. I'm running out of ideas! *laugh* I don't think I can just eat sandwich all the time. It is Ramadhan days! and I need rice and meat for the energy. Today, I really scratch my head to think what to cook... actually not today, but everyday I do that. hahaha~ Mmmmm... I am thinking about fettuccine lol. It is something I serve a lot. Masyitah likes it very much lol~ Fettuccine is a type of pasta, just like spaghetti and linguini but it has different shape and exterior texture~ hehehe~

Fettuccine sauteed squids and carrots, in tomato sauce

Fettuccine in tomato sauce, with smooth ground meat sausages and carrots
Actually, I got this idea to cook fettuccine after went to Pizza Hut~ That time, Pizza Hut was the place that everyone wanted to go, much to my chagrin. Well.... when me and Masyitah arrived, we found out that... it is indeed very small. It took awhile to get water and to place orders. *mad*mad* We ordered some spaghetti lol~ hehehe~ Looking at the price, for sure lol it is expensive~ That's why we decide to make it by ourselves lol!

Mine : Spaghetti Meatball Stroganoff

Masyitah : Creamy Chicken Alfredo

Bought new movies, DVD high quality 100% original~
0 Terminator Salvation
0 Snow Angels
0 X-men Origins : Wolverine
0 Dance Flick
Friends, if you are thinking about want to borrow them, please let me know lol~
hehehehe~ One night = RM5! hahaha~ *peace*joke*

Strawberries scream summer to me. Nothing compares to popping a juicy strawberry that has been ripened to perfection in my summer tension days! hahaha~ First and second pictures, the price only RM10 lol~ of course they are 100% originally from Cameron Highlands.
It took only a few days to eat all lol~ I was lucky enough to be able to savor these great strawberries. Perfect with dark chocolate or milo that had me go into a frenzy every time. No stomach cramps after devouring it, guaranteed! Thick and smooth ganache. But won't stick to my teeth so it will be okay to smile after eating them. hehehe *peace*
Strawberries, however, are a lot more than satisfying that berry sweet tooth. For me, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C! Nice nice to skin lol~ smoothhh and silkyyyy~ hahaha~
These strawberries that also known as "ichigo" or 「いちご」 in Japanese. Nowadays, common strawberries are of 4 kinds: 紅ほっぺ/kurenai hoppe, さちのか/sachinoka, とちおとめ/tochiotome, 鶏冠果「けいかんか」/niwatorikanka (keikanka).
douzo makka na ichigo wo teki n de o tabe kudasai ne.

Monday, September 7, 2009
uhhhh~ tension! why why many anime this Fall season are full with shoujo-ai, ecchi and harem genre! Daikirai! Hate hate it~ I need life fantasy and action mood~
-Natsu no Arashi! Akinai-chuu
-To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
-Shin Koihime†Musou - Otome Ryouran Sangokushi Engi
-Sora no Otoshimono
-Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu 2 - Purezza
-Sasameki Koto
-Tegami Bachi (Letter Bee)
-11eyes - Tsumi to Batsu to Aganai no Shoujo
-Darker than Black 2 - Ryuusei no Gemini
-Kimi ni Todoke
-Winter Sonata the Animation (Fuyu no Sonata)
-White Album second season
-Kiddy Girl-AND
-Seitokai no Ichizon
-Yumeiro Pâtissière
-Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu
-Thriller Restaurant
-Miracle Train
-Asura Cryin' 2
-Fairy Tail
-Nodame Cantabile 3 - Finale
-Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
-Tena on S-string
-RAINBOW Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin
-Shakugan no Shana III
-Sekirei Pure Engagement
-Queen's Blade 2 - Gyokuza wo Tsugu Mono
-Strike Witches second season
-Asobi ni Ikuyo!
-So Ra No Wo To
-Dance in the Vampire Bund
-Deadman Wonderland
-The Five Killers
-Seikon no Qwaser
-Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)
-Velvet Under World
-Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angels
-Angel Beats!
-Kuro Shitsuji Season 2
-Mr. FullSwing
-Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitte Iru
-Tatakau Shisho The Book of Bantorra
-Maihime Renpuden
-Arakawa Under the Bridge
-Zaidan-houjin Occult Designer Gakuin
-Senkou no Night Raid
-Mahou Shoujo Tai Alice 2 - THE ADVENTURE
-Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu
-Shukufuku no Campanella -la campanella della benedizione-
-Hanamaru Youchien
-Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar
-Kupu~!! Mamegoma!
-Valkyrie Complex
-Steel Maiden Sarah: Diamond Princess
-Hakuouki - Shinsengumi Kitan
-Nyan Koi!
-Sakura Strasse
-Break Blade
-Dungeon & Fighter
-Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari
-Fairy Princess Minky Momo
-Seiken no Blacksmith
-Sengoku Gyoujin Dullahan - Kagen no Keishousha
-Akaneiro ni Somarusaka
-Kanojo No Senjou, Kare No Teki (Her Battlefield, His Enemy)
-Junshin Miracle 100%
-Taishou Botan Daidai Kago
-Hazama no Uta
-Kaede No Youkai Card
-Omamori Himari
-Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
August 25th 2009
AIKa Zero
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Ecchi
November 25th 2009
Kanokon ~Manatsu no Dai Shanikusai~
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem
December 18th 2009
Aki Sora
Genre: Romance, Ecchi
January 2010
-Shakugan no Shana S - OVA
-Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Bangaichi
-Black Lagoon 3 - OVA
-Seitokaichou ni Chuukoku
November 21th 2099
Macross Frontier the Movie: The False Songstress
November 28th 2009
Eden of the East - The King of Eden
January 2010
Eden of the East - Paradise Lost
January 23rd 2010
Fate/stay night - Unlimited Blade Works
-Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st
-Ibara no Ou (King of Thorns)
-Tales of Vesperia ~The First Strike~
-Bungaku Shoujo
-Niji-iro Hotaru ~Eien no Natsuyasumi~
-BLAME! Movie
-Maimai atarashi to sennen no mahou
-The Uchuu Show
Sunday, September 6, 2009
It is week 9 now~ still worry about my Project Thesis~ so damn lazy to do anything lol~ still stuck at the same thing and I am still here~ huh~ yeah, Optimization Methods... I still have one question to finish~ lazy! uhhhh.... Macroteaching Mathematics too.... so damn lazy. It tick me off fifty times worse than last sem Macroteaching IT did!
uh uh uh~ This weekend, Security midterm exam~ adui lol~ it is essay, for sure I need to study~ no no "tembak" lol~
What a shame! Why have I become so lazy lately? Damn I used to be such an active person like I would do any assignments every single day because I really love and I mean really love do it. So lately I have gotten lazier and haven't been doing anything but watching anime, dramas, movies and playing games. It annoys the heck out of me! How can I have myself back?
I am also gained a lot of weight, I have a huge appetite. Like I will eat whenever I feel like it. I still eat after meals, even when I am full, maybe because I am not satisfied enough, but also I will dig out of the kitchen and grab something to eat even when I'm not hungry. So basically what I am saying is that I eat like 6+ meals a day. hahaha!
uhhh~ there is another thing bothering me! What I am gonna cook for today open fasting? huhuhu~ don't know don't know lol~ If only I am at home right now, it is easy to request anything~ Can cook anything, make juice for myself, buy any kuih~ even the closest Bazaar is far far far big! So many complaints I have here. Ezy on a shameful act right now! hahaha~
Today, I have fun with my friends~ of course it is a tired day but no Ramadan day should I sweat out about how tired I am because that is what everyone feel too lol~ hahaha~
Something should I story here but I guess all I can yell out is "no day but today, I paid only RM5 to what my stomach gets". hahaha~
Friends, if you want to have a copy of pictures open fasting today, then go to this link lol :
Thanks for the great day. Have fun!

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