Sunday, December 20, 2009
Have you heard about HACKING? Today, I want to share something interesting about Google hacking. It is a computer hacking technique that uses Google Search and other Google applications to find security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites use.
Example, want to search songs but many websites are not free to download~ So, why don't you try to use GOOGLE HACKS. It is easy to use. Picture below is the interface of Google Hacks.
Write down the name of song that you want to download. Choose the right format to download. Then, search.
There are many links. So, choose the right link~
Find the name of song that you want to download. Click and download. TRUST ME, NO NEED TO PAY! YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE!

The actual look for website that you hacked just now~ Without Google Hacks, you need to pay the songs to download.

See how easy to hack websites using Google Hacks? \(^___^)/ How about try to download this free application now? Have a nice first day being a hacker! With Google Hacks, you can feel the power! *haha*
I am a fan of bubur lambuk! My favorite \(*v*)/ kyaaaa~ Picture below is Kelantanese style bubur lambuk, my mum's recipe. To me, KL style bubur lambuk could never match my mum's. KL's bubur lambuk that has all the spices like cinnamon, black pepper and many other ingredients. #(^_________^)# The reddish leaf is a type of fern called pucuk paku merah (or pucuk niding in Kelantanese dialect). My mum also put daun kadok in it lol~

Yummy! XDD Serve it with fried shallots, slices of onion leaves and small cellery.... and not forget to put fried anchovies! Are you hungry now? **(>v<)**
Friday, December 18, 2009

Today's new hair~ #(^_____^)# fluppy ball hair style~ This is first time making this hair. Actually, I really love to see girls in this style and now..... I think I REALLY LOVE IT! I hope this hair still like this for a few months. But, I don't think so lol~ Maybe just a few weeks. Sad to think~ *cry*

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Let me say about this new movie released. It is suck! Romance romance, vampire story should be action, right? I don't know what Bella thinks but she should knows Jacob's feeling. She should not shows how clingy she is to Jacob if she not loves Jacob. Poor, Jacob. *sad* Edward also a fool. If he misses that Bella like no oxygen, why can't he sends his shadow to meet Bella? Don't know lol what vampire think. To think they smart is such a lie! *haha*
People said korean food is damn spicy. Okay, let's try it! \(^x^)/ Me and my sis went to Korean Restaurant. Same with Japanese food, Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, noodles, tofu, vegetables, and meats.
Picture 1 :
- Bibimbap, 비빔밥 (big black bowl) is a popular korean dish that literally means "mixed rice". -More info-
- Kimchi Jjigae, 김치찌개 (small black bowl) is korean pickled dishes made of vegetables with varied seasonings. -More info-
- Watermelon slices with ices (white bowl).
- Kkakdugi Kimchi, 깍두기 is a korean pickled daikon radish (pickled plate). -More info-
Picture 2:
- Kimchi bokkeumbap, 김치 볶음밥 is a korean fried rice. -More info-
- An-dong-chim-tak, 안동찜닭 is korean spicy black pepper chicken. -More info-
My comment : After ate these food, mmmmm~ well, what can I say? IT IS A LIE! Not spicy! Even our drinks were still half, can't finish them~ *laugh*

Before went home, my sis bought this~ *smile* I want to recommend you all to buy Big Apple rather than taste Dunkin' Donut. *peace* So damn soft and tasty lol! (^______^)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Nov 19 2009, went to watch 2012 movie at PAVILION lol~ what a great movie! Love it~ 5 stars! 2012 is science fiction disaster film based loosely on the 2012 phenomenon and directed by Roland Emmerich. It deals with the end of the world as predicted by the Mayan culture. If you are planning on seeing movie, then I suggest you to watch 2012 lol~ you won't regret it~ The special effects were freakin' incredible!
After great movie, walked around PAVILION, TIMES SQUARE, and 2 others megamall (sorry, forgot the name *haha*) \(>,<)/
Here some good memories with friends; Mashitah and Qila! Love you all~ Friends forever lol~ *cry*jump*

Friday, October 23, 2009

It is 1.50 am now... *wow* I slept for 7 hours! 'ghada' my sleep that I lost last time *hahaha* So damn good! After presentation thesis on Oct 22 and poster show off yesterday, at last.... I AM FREE! *laugh* I didn't have enough sleep this week because of this~ *nod*nod*
Once I become sleep deprived, I started to lose energy and focus. I have trouble in concentrating... became irritable and cranky after that. Felt anxious and shaky too. *nod*nod*
Thanks, everyone... means a lot to me~ I have fun being with you all~ Hope our friendships remain until last breath lol~ *nod*nod* \(^____^)/
Syida, download picture =
Today's download song, new song from AAA, With You. Damn good!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Yeah... Today was fun lol~ My faculty, FTMK (Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat Dan Komunikasi) held a party for RAYA lol~ only for students from FTMK lol~ *hehe* #(^_____^)# Thanks guys! I always welcome any FREE food~ *hoho*
To download pictures (MIT presentation and RAYA party) =
After eat-eat a lot, when to take a lot of pictures with Syida. Well.... it is last semester to be here, so we think to collect a lot of memories to remember lol! *hehe*
Saturday, October 3, 2009
This morning, woke up early to attend a seminar... mmmm... forget the name but it has something to do with research and IT lol~ *peace*
Actually, the seminar will end at 5 pm but we already blah before 1 pm lol~ *laugh* can't stay anymore because felt so damn sleepy~
We all went to pizza hut. Thanks to Umi and Ela who belanja we all lol~ *happy*cry in tears* #(^____^)# We all had cheesy garlic bread for starters and then we had our main courses which were Super Supreme and Hawaiian Chicken pizza. Then, ate chicken drumsticks marinated in sweet and spicy sprinkle as appetizers. *yummy* #(^____^)#
p/s : I don't want to cross the bridge over at railway again! Now, still can feel how scared I was that time. My foot and even my hands were shaking lol!
To download the picture :
Friday, October 2, 2009
This is the life I got : The suckest class eveeerrrrrrrrrrrr~ 0(*+*)0 I hate that class. Damn I hate! I never get anything from that class. My lecturer is full of crap and always gives assignments and projects that I never know what are they for! Not only me, but my classmates felt the same way too!
Went to KFC with Syida and Ann~ Actually, this is what we planned last week lol~ *peace*
To download the picture :
Thursday, October 1, 2009

*laugh*laugh* Above picture is the durian trees that I storied before! *peace* Look at it closely and you will say "WAH, BANYAKNYA BUAH!!". You can also see rambutan tree there, right? Huge huge tree lol. I wish I am tarzan lol~ can panjat panjat without any problem lol!
Sorry for my bad pose there! My slipper also there lol, took off as it annoyed me when I wanted to eat lol~ All I thought that time was food.. food and food again.

Umi's baju raya is really cute~ I love yellow something... orange color lol (my fav *peace*)~ I think it suits her well lol~

Sad, she ignored me many times. It was difficult to get her attention. She is shy after all~ but I am glad that I got this nice shot of her lol~ At least she smiled lol~ *peace*

Among the food at Jamuan Raya, above picture (Soto, Kuey Teow Sup, Gado-gado) are the best lol! Add information, actually I ate 3 bowls of Gado-gado! *big laugh* My stomach became boyah after that! *laugh*laugh*
To download picture :
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Why do I feel fed up? I know I curi that durian but what's the point if I can't open it! My hands were hurt! *huhu* Do I need a power gergaji or maybe parang to open it? *think* Friends, if you have one, please tell me! I can give you half of my durian! *laugh*
Went out to GARDEN DELI restaurant for dinner with Mashitah. Hungry and still felt disappointed as I thought about durian. *cry*

I never miss to drink guava juice. It is super juicy tasty drink lol~ So, I want to recommend everyone to try it if you visit this restaurant. *peace*

Above is the picture of chicken rice with roasted duck drumstick~ Actually, I forgot to take picture and already touched my rice. That's why it looked a little messy there~ *hehe*

Mashitah preferred to eat chicken rice with roasted chicken drumstick. She said she likes chicken more lol.

Finished our rice but we still hungry... *laugh*laugh* So, we went to order dry wantan mee with wantan soup.

After ate, we went to store to find perfume lol~ You know girls.... they need perfumes to live! For me, perfumes can enhance the quality of life in a person and to those around whoever is smelling it. *laugh* I love Silkygirl. Last time I bought Sweetheart, but this time I chose to wear Loving You. It has nice fragrance.
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